I have a 90% Love-10% Hate relationship with technology. Yesterday morning fell into the 10%. Good news, by afternoon is was in the 90% range. After several weeks of gathering food packages, (aka: Trash) I was ready to give my new favorite app FOODUCATE a try! Here is how the app works- you scan the barcode of food and BAM a picture of the food pops up, along with a letter grade, the reasons why it got the grade, and alternatives. DREAMY!
I will skip the part where AIR SERVER wouldn't work for me, and the part where I had thought the app had loaded on all the ipads, when in fact it didn't, (sort of) it went to their cloud. We got pass that and then MAGIC happened! I can honestly say that all of my students were HOOKED about five minutes into using this app.
The lesson went like this: Each team needed to scan all food items in their bucket. Each item then needed to be sorted into a A/B, C, D/F pile. We briefly talked about what these letter grades were as well. So, after they sorted every item, they had to get into EDUCREATIONS (another awesome app) and tell me what each group had in common.
Thank you amazing student(s) for hitting the nail directly on the head! (I think that's how the saying goes, you get my point)! This PE teacher was thrilled. THEY. GOT. IT.!
This was just lesson one of many that we will be using this awesome app for. Seriously, I have to shut my mind off or I would think about how we are going to LEARN from this! I have to give a big shout out to TWITTER world for helping me find this app. No need to remind you what you need to do! :)
As I have mentioned before, I am presenting ipads at the KAHPERD conference on Thurs. Oct. 29th. (Kansas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance). I can officially say I am ready. Just organizing my thoughts into a one hour presentation has been a challenge! I honestly cannot wait to share my love with PE teachers from across this great state! This happens next Thursday, and the following Monday I get to present again! This time for a district inservice. That one was a bit of a surprise for me, but I have it all worked out! Needless to say, I am pretty excited for the next couple of weeks!
Go make a difference! And CHEER ON THE ROYALS!!! #beroyalKC