Friday, November 21, 2014

Oh my Stars, they are creative!

    It's been a fantastic week of learning and moving at Linn Elementary!  We are still working on throwing/catching/hand eye coordination.  We started the week by doing a simple toss/catch sequence that I found on.....wait for it.....TWITTER!  One of the amazing PE teachers I follow on there posted a link to a video showing 20 (20!!!!) different tossing/catching sequences for students to use.  In addition to the awesome hand/eye coordination, the students also had to memorize the sequence that was given.  Example: Toss/clap front/Catch.  All grade levels seemed to enjoy it.  This also gave my co-worker and I the opportunity to assess the students hand/eye coordination.  Here is the link to the awesome video!
    A few years ago I taught with a girl who was fresh out of college.  She had an activity called Quarter Stations that she had done while student teaching!  Talk about collaboration with "regular" classrooms, this activity has it!  There are nine stations set up around the gym.   Since it's called quarter stations, the students must do each exercise/activity 25 times (or for 25 seconds).  After they complete each station, they come and get their "quarter."  (I use tokens that I have a bunch of).  The challenge for the students is to see how money they can earn in the given time.  With about five minutes left in class, I have them return to their homebase and count their money!  I love doing this activity, and use it several times a year!

    As you all know, I am a techny nerd.  A week wouldn't be complete without the use of technology/ipads.  Still working on our PBL project, we focused on sugar content.  The students were told to find five foods they would like to eat.  Then, they used Educreations to write down the name of the food, and how much sugar was in it.  After they finished, they took a screen shot to use as their research.  After everyone finished this task, I had them scan a QR code I had created.  This lead them to a PADLET (very cool computer too to use for collaboration).  I had the padlet prepared with their first question- How much sugar did you eat?   After I saw the answers appearing on my screen (it's cool like that), I was able to continue questioning those who were ahead.  I told them that they were suppose to have near 32grams of sugar in a day.  They had to figure out their difference (if they went over, which most did).  They took this difference and multiplied it by two, giving them the number of pushups or setups (their choice) to do. 
   I selected a 5th grade class earlier this week to do a special project.  Why not have students plan what they learn?!?  We discussed what the SHAPE national standards were, and what each of them meant.  I then divided the students into groups and assigned them a standard to research.  After using their ipads to research, they were asked to create an instructional video teaching their standards.  I reminded them to be creative.....they blew me away!  They are still working on them, but I will definitely post them later!  I really feel the other students are going to be thrilled to learn from kids in their school!  Exciting!

     This was one of those weeks where I was reminded that I am doing what I love.  Seeing those 5th graders get excited over knowing the standards was awesome.  Watching them use technology as a vehicle makes me giddy inside!  Technology doesn't have to be something that makes us lazy, it can also be something that makes us move, makes us think, and makes us create!
If you are not connected, you are disconnected!!!!  It's doesn't have to run your life, you don't have to spend hours on twitter to benefit.  Honestly, 10 minutes each night will suffice!

Rock Chalk!
(even after the meltdown on Tuesday),

Friday, November 14, 2014

It's an awesome world!

  As I mentioned before I went to the 2014 KAHPERD conference at Pitt State University a couple of weeks ago.  Aside from presenting, I also had the opportunity to learn from others!  I LOVE that!  One of the presenters (I cannot remember his name, or the title of the presentation) but he talked about throwing and catching.  Hand-eye coordination.  At first, I wondered how could you talk about throwing and catching for an hour.  He did, and he did it well!  This man had a tennis background, so a lot of the activities were centered around tennis balls.  But he also used hula hoops, footballs, and yarn balls.  He talked about the importance of kids developing these skills, not only for sports, but also to just learn!  It was great!  I immediately knew I wanted to use this.  In addition to catching/throwing he also talked about manipulating their bodies.  I will use a TON of his stuff in my units!  The first concept I used was the hula hoops!  We started the unit by discussing what the world ABILITY ment.  It's one of our vocabulary words on the wall, and I knew this would be the perfect place to connect it.  You'll se why in a minute!  Trust me, they all had to believe they had the "power to do well," in one of the hula hoop activities.
   A month or so ago, I wrote how I had a surprise walk through.  The "evaluations" from those walk through's were good!  One comment I saw from a few of the administrators was to allow the students "talk" about how they were going to play the game, do the activity, etc.  To be honest, I rolled my eyes when I read those comments.  After all, I only have 25 minutes with the kids.  Then I started thinking about how that would benefit the kids, ALOT! I decided it could be done quickly, and still be effective.  Okay, so back to the hula hoops!
   After getting the kids in the proper place, and having them find a partner, we being with simple directions:
1.  The hula hoop must stay on the ground, and you must stay on your line.  Move the hula hoop between you and your partner! (I wanted them to roll it of course, but I wanted to see if they had an creative ways to get it across...they did)!   After about a minute, I told the kids to "chat" with their partner for 30 seconds and decide what the best way would be to get the hula hoop across.  I reminded them that the hula hoop needed to stay "up."

2.  Next, the students line up behind their partner.  Now, the fun stuff started!  Remember when I talked about the word ABILITY?  I knew a lot of students would believe they couldn't accomplish the next movement.  I knew they could.  They all had the "power to do well."  Their partner rolled the hula hoop out, and their job was to get their body through the hoop before it fell over!  FUN STUFF!  And they are moving, and bending, and raising their heart rate!  Check out this video!
     After a few minutes, we stopped for another "chat."  This time, I asked them, What do you think is more important, the speed of the hula hoop?  Or the balance of the hula hoop!
3.  We ended the class with a little relay race.  Again, I gave them a couple simple rules, and let them be creative.  The rules were:
a. Your hula hoop had to go all the way across the gym to the red line and back.  Then your partner had to do the same.  After a couple times of the hula hoops rolling around, I added a rule.
b.  At least one hand had to be on the hoop.  This made things a little less CRAZY!
       Also this week, I threw in some ipad use!  It was time to use FOODUCATE again!  Like always, there was a few issues with the technology, but eventually we accomplished what we were looking for.  Again, I am aiming towards a giant Project Based Learning assignment with my older kids.  We are focusing on educating ourselves on food content right now.  Eventually, I want them to see how much darn sugar we all eat.  (I am guilty, it's my biggest downfall).  I was brainstorming about how I wanted the kids to plan their food for an entire day using Fooducate.  My co-teacher gave me the idea to have each "grade" (foods get grades on FOODUCATE) equal a certain amount of points.  Ahhhh, yes, that was a fantastic idea (kudos Mr. C).  So, here was the set up:
1.  My trusty buckets of "trash" (aka food packages) was brought out of storage.  Each team had a bucket full of food to choose from.  Also, on the app you can type in foods and get a grade.
2.  I made a GOOGLE DOC into a QR code (QRAFTER) that had all the information the students needed on it.  This included the amount of points for each grade.
3.  The students scanned the QR code as soon as they went to their team dugout, now they had the information at their finger tips!  I also told them they could use COUNTER UP to keep track of their points.  I knew they would still have to use addition skills, even if they used this app!  YEAH for math in PE!
4.  Then they went to work.  My larger classes worked in teams.  Their assignment, pick out your food for the day, but you cannot go over 100 points.    A's of course have a lot less points than F's.  Take a picture when your done, and bring it to me to explain your choices!
5.  This ended up taking two days for most classes.   I always include a warm up of some kind, so that took away a little of our time!
The results were awesome.  Here is an example.
         The students had used EDUREATIONS in the past, so this student took it upon himself to use it again.  Thank you student, you ROCK!  I adjusted this lesson to my younger kids.   Most can scan QR codes, so they were able to do this.  Then we worked in groups with myself and Mr. C leading.  We also has the younger students use prior knowledge and grade the food themselves.  Here are a couple shots of the kids at work!

       As you can tell, we have LEARNED this week in Linn PE!   I am seeing myself grow more and more each day.  I love the "chat's" now.  No only is this making the kids think and use their brains, I have to expand my knowledge as well.  The questioning also helps the kids to better understand what is being asked of them.  It's good, those darn administrators know what they are talking about!
       Have a great weekend.  Get connected, or you WILL BE DISCONNECTED, you will....there is so much going on in our awesome PE World, make sure you're a part of it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's a crazy...busy...exciting World!

It's been too long! Life has been crazy, busy, and exciting! 

  As I mentioned before, I presented at the 2014 KAHPERD conference at Pitt State University last Thursday!  It went very well!  So well that I had a few districts approach me about doing inservices for them!  Exciting!  I dream of one day teaching teachers, and I feel like this may be the beginning!  It was honestly one of the best moments in my teaching career.  To be able to share with PE teachers and adminstrator's from across the state was amazing.  Below is the flyer that I gave out at the conference.  Of course I also got to learn while at the conference!  I cannot wait to try some of the stuff out with my classes! 

      I returned home from KAHPERD last Friday.  I had a fantastic weekend with my family, and quickly got ready to present again at my Districts #techfest on Monday.  I quickly found out (you know about 5 minutes before my presentation) that it wasn't just going to be PE teachers in my session....gasp!  My heart started pounding rather fast.  I took a deep breath and moved forward, I knew everything I did could be modified for the "normal" classroom as well.  One of my colleagues showed me this comment....made by a gifted instructor in our district. 

      The first comment is what I am talking about.  Can you say humbled....humbled I am.  Again, a highlight and turning point in my teaching career.  Today, I open Facebook and notice I have been tagged in a post.  The lady who tagged me is a "legend" (she is going to laugh when she see's that, but its the truth) in the physical education world in my district.  She has been teaching for many years, and never do you hear anything but how wonderful she is.  I consider her a mentor. 

     Wowzers.  Wowzers.  Honestly, it brought tears to my eyes!  I love what I do.  I love sharing and helping others.  I love making a difference in the lives of the children I teach.  If technology (ipads) is the tool I get to use to promote kids being healthy, than I am thrilled.  Never did I dream that when I signed up to learn about ipads, I would be where I am at today.  Blessed, I am blessed. 

    Okay, moving away from the sappy part of the blog! :)  I found myself truly missing my classes!  I was out of the classroom for a week!  I came back today renewed and ready to go!   Everyone has played Sharks and Minnows before?!?  I made up a new one "Lions and Monkeys" (our school mascot is the Lion).   Simple concept.  We are in our scooter unit.  Objective for today was using our muscles to move on a scooter!  So, three students were "lions."  They were protecting their "den."  These three students were on a scooter, armed with a  1/2 noodle.  Everyone else were "monkeys."  The monkeys goal was to get past the lions and into their den.  If they accomplished this, they got off their scooters, and walked back to the beginning, and get do it again.  If they got tagged, they put their scooter by the wall and walked on the track.  The games moved pretty quickly, and several students got to be the lion.  I restricted their use of the scooters to their bottoms or knee's only.  Simple game, kids loved it, objective as met.  With a focus on our Academic vocab words, we discussed the use of our muscles.  The students (all ages) were begging to play it again of course we will! 

   During our awesome inservice on Monday, we had an incredible speaker, his name is Kevin Honeycutt.......look him up.  Now.  It doesn't matter what you teach, he is inspirational!  I believe he shared this....If you are not connected, you are disconnected.  My translation....JOIN TWITTER! 

Make a difference!
AB :)