Thursday, February 12, 2015

What a world!

   It's been too long since I checked in!  Can you tell I've been a little busy?  It's good thought, truthfully I think I work better when I am busy.  I have to be more efficient, therefor I am.... :)
Last Friday we had a Winter Sports Clinic for my students.  In the past I have switched up my schedule and only offered this for 3rd-5th grade.  This year, I decided to give it a try for all grade levels.  It was fantastic.  I really feel like these clinics are so much more than a "sports clinic." Sure, these positive role models (they get up early on their day OFF of school) come out to the school and teach their sport.  They also come out and show my students what it takes to be part of team, what kind of attitude you have to have, and of course the amount of work you need to do.  I think this is so important as these kids grow up.  In addition, many of my students are simply not exposed to the variety of activities that are available.  You know, things that will keep them healthy as they grow older.  This year the high school Cheerleaders, bowling team, and wrestling team came out.  This kids were fantastic with my Linn Lions.  I couldn't have asked for an better student/athletes.  I am so happy I teach in a school where my principal allows me to continue to have these type of opportunities for my students.

       Also this week, we begin our Jump Rope unit.  I enjoy I teaching this unit, and the students love it!  We conclude this unit at the end of the month with our Jump Rope For Heart Celebration.  Lot's of fun for all, and of course it does our body good! One of my favorite activities so far has been Jump Rope 4-square. (That's what these awesome 2nd graders are doing in this picture).  It's played just like regular 4-square, only you jump rope.  Our focus word on this day (key word) was endurance.  *Disclaimer: I did not make this game up, I found it on....wait for it.....TWITTER! Because I have the best PLN ever, and you can too.  Sorry, a little off task!  The kids make a square, with the 5th and sometimes 6th person in their group standing outside of the square.  The person in the designated "square" was in charge of saying "start."   When this person said this, everyone on the square begin jumping rope.  The first person who messed up, was "out." and then everyone rotates.  The person who is out, always rotates to the #1 position.  Kids loved it.  So did I!  I have talked about allowing my students to "chat," this was no exception.  You see, I want them to improve their reading skills, and language skills have to improve for that to happen.  (A very wise lady once told me that).  Why not help out in PE, not to mention they are going to have an overall better grasp of what is being taught.  So, we did the activity for about 5 minutes, then I had them drop their ropes and chat with their team.  The question to chat about "What are you working on when your doing this jump rope activity?"  Answers varied, teamwork, jumping, rhythm.  All great answers, but I was looking for endurance.  Eventually I got the answer (or helped them out).  This lead them to a NEW focus word.  We pointed to the all and talked briefly about what endurance meant.  Success.  They moved, their hearts were racing, they laughed, they used a new word, they saw a new word in action, you may even say they felt a new word.   

New exciting things happening in my world.  They are installing a cordless (ha, ha) projector in my gym.  No more dragging out an extension cord and cart! cannot imagine! 
Twitter.  Do it.

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