Friday, December 12, 2014

Hockey Hype at Linn!

     We are in our second week of hockey at Linn!  What fun we are having.  Each year when I plan this unit, I remind myself of the "chaos" that sometimes comes with it.  Especially for my little's.  Just when I start to consider planning a different unit for the K-1st graders, I am reminded that they actually do learn from it!  Who knows, maybe that first grader will someday remember that they played hockey and decided to play it as part of a healthy lifestyle!  Adapt, adapt adapt, that's how hockey works for K-1st!  Every lesson is adapted to suit their needs/abilities (also my sanity).  As you read through my plans below, remember "adapt to meet your students needs."  (I will also try to explain my adaptations)!
     The weekend before beginning my unit, I decided to hop on the internet and search for some additional lead up activities for my hockey unit.  I seriously spent less than an hour researching and came up with TONS of new ideas!  I was quite excited.  So, excited that I created a "note" on my phone just for Hockey! 
     Our unit kicked off by focusing on safety.  Definitily a requirement for hockey!  We discussed proper hand placement, keeping the blade down, etc.  Then I put out a lot of different sized cones, and challenged the students to move their sticks safely around the cones.  Eventually we added yarn balls (no plastic pucks for a long time).  I increased the challenge for my older students (Thank you PE Central) by giving all of them 5 points to start.  If any part of their body or stick touched a cone, or a person, they took a point away.  After a few minutes, I quizzed on how many points everyone had.  It was a great lesson!

     After a couple of days of activities centered around the safety concept, we did a little class quiz to start the day.  I found a worksheet on PE central that was about how to hold the hockey stick.  I saved the link and opened it on my ipad using the EDUCREATIONS app.  This allowed me to draw on the worksheet. So, I put it up on the projector (using air server to make my ipad "talk" to my laptop).   Suddenly, I had engaged students who couldn't wait to tell me which person was gripping their hockey stick correctly.  I did this for ALL grades!  We spent less than five minutes on this, before moving on to shooting goals! 

    I wanted the kids to be moving.  I set up several buckets around the gym.  I should say, I laid several buckets on their sides against the wall.  I instantly had 20+ goals around the gym.  The music played....they dribbled.  Music shut off, then shot goals!  What I quickly discovered, is we didn't talk about accuracy.....the important it get the back!  Brakes on, time to back track!
   So I got out my cup stacking cups....don't harm was done to them!  I put them out all over the floor.  Simple lesson, accuracy.  The students were instructed to aim for a cup and attempt to move it with their "puck" (ball).  I also encouraged my students to "chat" with their shoulder buddies about what is more important in accuracy, speed or aim?  (I will do another blog post about getting your kids talking.....scary sounding, I know). 
    After several days, I created a SOCRATIVE quiz for all grades.  K-1st grade did not bring theiripads to take the quiz, instead I read the questions (projected on the wall, using airserver) and we voted as a class for the correct answer.  2nd-5th grade took the quiz on their own.  It was a short quiz, the final question was open-ended.  What does the work teamwork mean in hockey?  I was impressed by their answers.  Additionally, TEAMWORK is one of our key Vocabulary words!

   At this point we were ready to combine some elements for a lesson.  Insert Hockey "Mad ball."  All the yarn balls scattered in the middle of the gym.  Two teams.  Music starts, you are trying to get as many pucks (yarn balls) into the goal before the music shuts off.  Again, K-1st did this, but I left out "as many goals as you can," instead I inserted "shoot goals."  Works.  Today we did the same thing, just added the role of a "goalie."  Awesomeness.  Kids leave the gym dripping sweat.  More importantly, they may have found something to keep them active and healthy.  Check! :)
   One Wed. a month (maybe more, I'm not exactly sure), we have late starts.  Which means I only get the kids for 20 minutes instead of 25. Which really means I only get them for 15 minutes once we get in/out and settled.  So, perfect day for a ipad assignment.  I found a student friendly ice hockey highlight video on YouTube.  I made it in to a QR code, because there is no better way to get info. on the students ipads quickly than by using QRAFTER!  I also made a GOOGLE DOC with simple instructions, (made this into a QR code as well) watch the video, get with your team, and use whatever app you want to tell me (typing, speaking, acting) two things you saw in the video that looked familier to what we are doing in hockey!  I was impressed by the variety of apps that students used to CREATE!!!  YEAH!!!  When using the ipads, creating is one of the BEST things you can have your students do!  Allow them to be CREATIVE!!!

     I also had a student use ADOBE VOICE!  Awesome, still pretty new to me, new enough that I was not able to figure out how to get a link of his video!  I'll learn though and share soon!
  Okay, still have a few more hockey lessons to share, but the bell is about to ring and it's FRIDAY!!!!!  Have an awesome weekend!  Move, learn, create!  GET CONNECTED, it's the most convenient professional development EVER!!!

AB :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

My world is so rewarding!

     Last year as part of our Tiered Instruction (district Wide) I worked with Mrs. B's 5th grade classroom.  She and I worked together to come up with ipad projects for my group to do.  This summer I attended a Project Based Learning workshop.  So, fast forward to this year, and I am back working with Mrs. B.'s 5th graders during tiered instruction.  Basically, this means I spend about 30-45 minutes a few days a week, enriching these students minds.  What a privilege, right?  I think so.  Last year I started what I hope to be a tradition at Linn Elementary.  I do a hockey unit in the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas break (usually about 3 weeks).  As most educators know, this time of the year is rough....for everyone, kids and teachers!  The teachers just got a tease of a break and cannot wait for the next one, and the kids have to be peeled off the ceiling each day, or awaken from their deep sleep!  So, I decided to have a staff hockey game, where the student can watch (and correct) the skills they have been working on.  In addition, they also can earn VIP seats for this game, by meeting a certain criteria.  Insert, my 5th Grade Tiered Instruction kids.  I wanted to challenge them, make them learn from "doing."  I served as the guide, asked them meaningful questions, otherwise they "drove the car."
      Their task?  Figure out the criteria for VIP's, figure out how they want to market it to students and teachers, and how they would distribute it.  We worked on this for about 6-8 days.  It was amazing to watch leaders emerge, strategies to form, and behaviors rise up.  They not only did well, they excelled!  They made an iMovie (figuring out who would play what part, where they would record it) about the three behaviors they felt were deserving of the title of VIP.  They then realized they needed a way to get this out to the teachers.  Offering a little guidance, we came up with using QR codes!  So, with a little of my help, (logging into a secure Youtube account) they made their imovie a QR code.   Then they decided each teacher would need a flyer, and each "pod" would need a poster.  Awesome.  Rewarding.  Great kids!

Sorry, no PE today, just awesome students, doing awesome things!
Stay tuned for a massive Hockey's coming! After 5 days of hockey, we did a quick "knowledge/vocab" quiz today, using an app called Socrative.  WONDERFUL!

Have a great weekend!  ROCK CHALK!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fun Frisbee world!

   I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  The Baugh's certainly did!  It was a fantastic little break, I loved spending time with my little family, as well as both of our extended families!
   Before we went to break, we continued with our Throw/Catch unit.  We added in the use of Frisbee's!  It was awesome!  We did this for three days, next year (or maybe even this Spring) we are going to do a full unit....maybe two weeks!  I love it when a unit works across all age levels, and this one did for sure!  I quickly discovered that  few of my Kinder students could throw the Frisbee as well (or maybe even better) than some of the older students!

   The pictures will give you a better idea of this all worked.  The first two days, I set up 15-16 targets for the students.  They were then divided into groups of three (a couple groups of 4).  There were three different targets, and we used my handy dandy red line as our throwing point!  I pulled out Large cones and set a ball on the top, with the idea of the Frisbee throw knocking the ball off the cone.  Another station was a hula hoop, simply attempting to throw the Frisbee and have it land in the hula hoop.  The last one (and my favorite) was the big blue buckets. (I buy them at Walmart, they are the best equipment storage/multi use containers I have).  The goal was to throw the Frisbee, have it bounce off the wall and into the bucket.  I then played music, and had the students rotate about every two minutes.  The kids loved it!  We talked about "fitness" (one of our key vocab words) and how you can be active and fit by doing a variety of things.  I helped them realize that although it seemed like they were just "having fun," they were also quite active! :) 

   The assessment part of this lesson came on day two.  We eliminated the cone and hula hoops.  Now, we were just using the blue buckets.  I had each class bring in two ipads (we have 8 teams, so two teams per ipad).  Now we had a contest (also a show of skills, but they didn't realize that).  Each team was attempting to score points by 1. hitting the bucket with the Frisbee, 2. bouncing it off the wall into the bucket, 3. just making it directly into the bucket.  I used an app call COUNTER UP (very simple, and of course free) as a scoreboard.  Each student was in charge of putting in their own score.  As long as AIRSERVER allowed, I had all ipads on the wall using the projector.  The competition level was HIGH!  This allowed me to walk around and take notice of who was throwing the right way, who was working as a team, and who was being honest when recording their scores!  It was great!!

   Sorry for the short blog today! I am finishing up my ESL work for my night class!  We started hockey this week, I have lots of plans and lots of use of technology!  I promise I will share soon!!

Get connected!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Oh my Stars, they are creative!

    It's been a fantastic week of learning and moving at Linn Elementary!  We are still working on throwing/catching/hand eye coordination.  We started the week by doing a simple toss/catch sequence that I found on.....wait for it.....TWITTER!  One of the amazing PE teachers I follow on there posted a link to a video showing 20 (20!!!!) different tossing/catching sequences for students to use.  In addition to the awesome hand/eye coordination, the students also had to memorize the sequence that was given.  Example: Toss/clap front/Catch.  All grade levels seemed to enjoy it.  This also gave my co-worker and I the opportunity to assess the students hand/eye coordination.  Here is the link to the awesome video!
    A few years ago I taught with a girl who was fresh out of college.  She had an activity called Quarter Stations that she had done while student teaching!  Talk about collaboration with "regular" classrooms, this activity has it!  There are nine stations set up around the gym.   Since it's called quarter stations, the students must do each exercise/activity 25 times (or for 25 seconds).  After they complete each station, they come and get their "quarter."  (I use tokens that I have a bunch of).  The challenge for the students is to see how money they can earn in the given time.  With about five minutes left in class, I have them return to their homebase and count their money!  I love doing this activity, and use it several times a year!

    As you all know, I am a techny nerd.  A week wouldn't be complete without the use of technology/ipads.  Still working on our PBL project, we focused on sugar content.  The students were told to find five foods they would like to eat.  Then, they used Educreations to write down the name of the food, and how much sugar was in it.  After they finished, they took a screen shot to use as their research.  After everyone finished this task, I had them scan a QR code I had created.  This lead them to a PADLET (very cool computer too to use for collaboration).  I had the padlet prepared with their first question- How much sugar did you eat?   After I saw the answers appearing on my screen (it's cool like that), I was able to continue questioning those who were ahead.  I told them that they were suppose to have near 32grams of sugar in a day.  They had to figure out their difference (if they went over, which most did).  They took this difference and multiplied it by two, giving them the number of pushups or setups (their choice) to do. 
   I selected a 5th grade class earlier this week to do a special project.  Why not have students plan what they learn?!?  We discussed what the SHAPE national standards were, and what each of them meant.  I then divided the students into groups and assigned them a standard to research.  After using their ipads to research, they were asked to create an instructional video teaching their standards.  I reminded them to be creative.....they blew me away!  They are still working on them, but I will definitely post them later!  I really feel the other students are going to be thrilled to learn from kids in their school!  Exciting!

     This was one of those weeks where I was reminded that I am doing what I love.  Seeing those 5th graders get excited over knowing the standards was awesome.  Watching them use technology as a vehicle makes me giddy inside!  Technology doesn't have to be something that makes us lazy, it can also be something that makes us move, makes us think, and makes us create!
If you are not connected, you are disconnected!!!!  It's doesn't have to run your life, you don't have to spend hours on twitter to benefit.  Honestly, 10 minutes each night will suffice!

Rock Chalk!
(even after the meltdown on Tuesday),

Friday, November 14, 2014

It's an awesome world!

  As I mentioned before I went to the 2014 KAHPERD conference at Pitt State University a couple of weeks ago.  Aside from presenting, I also had the opportunity to learn from others!  I LOVE that!  One of the presenters (I cannot remember his name, or the title of the presentation) but he talked about throwing and catching.  Hand-eye coordination.  At first, I wondered how could you talk about throwing and catching for an hour.  He did, and he did it well!  This man had a tennis background, so a lot of the activities were centered around tennis balls.  But he also used hula hoops, footballs, and yarn balls.  He talked about the importance of kids developing these skills, not only for sports, but also to just learn!  It was great!  I immediately knew I wanted to use this.  In addition to catching/throwing he also talked about manipulating their bodies.  I will use a TON of his stuff in my units!  The first concept I used was the hula hoops!  We started the unit by discussing what the world ABILITY ment.  It's one of our vocabulary words on the wall, and I knew this would be the perfect place to connect it.  You'll se why in a minute!  Trust me, they all had to believe they had the "power to do well," in one of the hula hoop activities.
   A month or so ago, I wrote how I had a surprise walk through.  The "evaluations" from those walk through's were good!  One comment I saw from a few of the administrators was to allow the students "talk" about how they were going to play the game, do the activity, etc.  To be honest, I rolled my eyes when I read those comments.  After all, I only have 25 minutes with the kids.  Then I started thinking about how that would benefit the kids, ALOT! I decided it could be done quickly, and still be effective.  Okay, so back to the hula hoops!
   After getting the kids in the proper place, and having them find a partner, we being with simple directions:
1.  The hula hoop must stay on the ground, and you must stay on your line.  Move the hula hoop between you and your partner! (I wanted them to roll it of course, but I wanted to see if they had an creative ways to get it across...they did)!   After about a minute, I told the kids to "chat" with their partner for 30 seconds and decide what the best way would be to get the hula hoop across.  I reminded them that the hula hoop needed to stay "up."

2.  Next, the students line up behind their partner.  Now, the fun stuff started!  Remember when I talked about the word ABILITY?  I knew a lot of students would believe they couldn't accomplish the next movement.  I knew they could.  They all had the "power to do well."  Their partner rolled the hula hoop out, and their job was to get their body through the hoop before it fell over!  FUN STUFF!  And they are moving, and bending, and raising their heart rate!  Check out this video!
     After a few minutes, we stopped for another "chat."  This time, I asked them, What do you think is more important, the speed of the hula hoop?  Or the balance of the hula hoop!
3.  We ended the class with a little relay race.  Again, I gave them a couple simple rules, and let them be creative.  The rules were:
a. Your hula hoop had to go all the way across the gym to the red line and back.  Then your partner had to do the same.  After a couple times of the hula hoops rolling around, I added a rule.
b.  At least one hand had to be on the hoop.  This made things a little less CRAZY!
       Also this week, I threw in some ipad use!  It was time to use FOODUCATE again!  Like always, there was a few issues with the technology, but eventually we accomplished what we were looking for.  Again, I am aiming towards a giant Project Based Learning assignment with my older kids.  We are focusing on educating ourselves on food content right now.  Eventually, I want them to see how much darn sugar we all eat.  (I am guilty, it's my biggest downfall).  I was brainstorming about how I wanted the kids to plan their food for an entire day using Fooducate.  My co-teacher gave me the idea to have each "grade" (foods get grades on FOODUCATE) equal a certain amount of points.  Ahhhh, yes, that was a fantastic idea (kudos Mr. C).  So, here was the set up:
1.  My trusty buckets of "trash" (aka food packages) was brought out of storage.  Each team had a bucket full of food to choose from.  Also, on the app you can type in foods and get a grade.
2.  I made a GOOGLE DOC into a QR code (QRAFTER) that had all the information the students needed on it.  This included the amount of points for each grade.
3.  The students scanned the QR code as soon as they went to their team dugout, now they had the information at their finger tips!  I also told them they could use COUNTER UP to keep track of their points.  I knew they would still have to use addition skills, even if they used this app!  YEAH for math in PE!
4.  Then they went to work.  My larger classes worked in teams.  Their assignment, pick out your food for the day, but you cannot go over 100 points.    A's of course have a lot less points than F's.  Take a picture when your done, and bring it to me to explain your choices!
5.  This ended up taking two days for most classes.   I always include a warm up of some kind, so that took away a little of our time!
The results were awesome.  Here is an example.
         The students had used EDUREATIONS in the past, so this student took it upon himself to use it again.  Thank you student, you ROCK!  I adjusted this lesson to my younger kids.   Most can scan QR codes, so they were able to do this.  Then we worked in groups with myself and Mr. C leading.  We also has the younger students use prior knowledge and grade the food themselves.  Here are a couple shots of the kids at work!

       As you can tell, we have LEARNED this week in Linn PE!   I am seeing myself grow more and more each day.  I love the "chat's" now.  No only is this making the kids think and use their brains, I have to expand my knowledge as well.  The questioning also helps the kids to better understand what is being asked of them.  It's good, those darn administrators know what they are talking about!
       Have a great weekend.  Get connected, or you WILL BE DISCONNECTED, you will....there is so much going on in our awesome PE World, make sure you're a part of it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's a crazy...busy...exciting World!

It's been too long! Life has been crazy, busy, and exciting! 

  As I mentioned before, I presented at the 2014 KAHPERD conference at Pitt State University last Thursday!  It went very well!  So well that I had a few districts approach me about doing inservices for them!  Exciting!  I dream of one day teaching teachers, and I feel like this may be the beginning!  It was honestly one of the best moments in my teaching career.  To be able to share with PE teachers and adminstrator's from across the state was amazing.  Below is the flyer that I gave out at the conference.  Of course I also got to learn while at the conference!  I cannot wait to try some of the stuff out with my classes! 

      I returned home from KAHPERD last Friday.  I had a fantastic weekend with my family, and quickly got ready to present again at my Districts #techfest on Monday.  I quickly found out (you know about 5 minutes before my presentation) that it wasn't just going to be PE teachers in my session....gasp!  My heart started pounding rather fast.  I took a deep breath and moved forward, I knew everything I did could be modified for the "normal" classroom as well.  One of my colleagues showed me this comment....made by a gifted instructor in our district. 

      The first comment is what I am talking about.  Can you say humbled....humbled I am.  Again, a highlight and turning point in my teaching career.  Today, I open Facebook and notice I have been tagged in a post.  The lady who tagged me is a "legend" (she is going to laugh when she see's that, but its the truth) in the physical education world in my district.  She has been teaching for many years, and never do you hear anything but how wonderful she is.  I consider her a mentor. 

     Wowzers.  Wowzers.  Honestly, it brought tears to my eyes!  I love what I do.  I love sharing and helping others.  I love making a difference in the lives of the children I teach.  If technology (ipads) is the tool I get to use to promote kids being healthy, than I am thrilled.  Never did I dream that when I signed up to learn about ipads, I would be where I am at today.  Blessed, I am blessed. 

    Okay, moving away from the sappy part of the blog! :)  I found myself truly missing my classes!  I was out of the classroom for a week!  I came back today renewed and ready to go!   Everyone has played Sharks and Minnows before?!?  I made up a new one "Lions and Monkeys" (our school mascot is the Lion).   Simple concept.  We are in our scooter unit.  Objective for today was using our muscles to move on a scooter!  So, three students were "lions."  They were protecting their "den."  These three students were on a scooter, armed with a  1/2 noodle.  Everyone else were "monkeys."  The monkeys goal was to get past the lions and into their den.  If they accomplished this, they got off their scooters, and walked back to the beginning, and get do it again.  If they got tagged, they put their scooter by the wall and walked on the track.  The games moved pretty quickly, and several students got to be the lion.  I restricted their use of the scooters to their bottoms or knee's only.  Simple game, kids loved it, objective as met.  With a focus on our Academic vocab words, we discussed the use of our muscles.  The students (all ages) were begging to play it again of course we will! 

   During our awesome inservice on Monday, we had an incredible speaker, his name is Kevin Honeycutt.......look him up.  Now.  It doesn't matter what you teach, he is inspirational!  I believe he shared this....If you are not connected, you are disconnected.  My translation....JOIN TWITTER! 

Make a difference!
AB :)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A world with Healthier kiddos!

      Whew, what week it's been.  Wait, you don't think the week is over yet, right?  Well, this lucky girl is about two hours away from a 3 DAY WEEKEND!  We are finishing up our First quarter conferences, and I finally had a chance to blog!  YEAH!
     I have a 90% Love-10% Hate relationship with technology.  Yesterday morning fell into the 10%.  Good news, by afternoon is was in the 90% range.  After several weeks of gathering food packages, (aka: Trash) I was ready to give my new favorite app FOODUCATE a try!  Here is how the app works- you scan the barcode of food and BAM a picture of the food pops up, along with a letter grade, the reasons why it got the grade, and alternatives.  DREAMY! 

    I will skip the part where AIR SERVER wouldn't work for me, and the part where I had thought the app had loaded on all the ipads, when in fact it didn't, (sort of) it went to their cloud.  We got pass that and then MAGIC happened!  I can honestly say that all of my students were HOOKED about five minutes into using this app.
   The lesson went like this:  Each team needed to scan all food items in their bucket.  Each item then needed to be sorted into a A/B, C, D/F pile.  We briefly talked about what these letter grades were as well.  So, after they sorted every item, they had to get into EDUCREATIONS (another awesome app) and tell me what each group had in common. 

Thank you amazing student(s) for hitting the nail directly on the head! (I think that's how the saying goes, you get my point)!  This PE teacher was thrilled.  THEY. GOT. IT.!

    This was just lesson one of many that we will be using this awesome app for.  Seriously, I have to shut my mind off or I would think about how we are going to LEARN from this!  I have to give a big shout out to TWITTER world for helping me find this app.  No need to remind you what you need to do!  :)
  As I have mentioned before, I am presenting ipads at the KAHPERD conference on Thurs. Oct. 29th.  (Kansas Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance).  I can officially say I am ready.  Just organizing my thoughts into a one hour presentation has been a challenge! I honestly cannot wait to share my love with PE teachers from across this great state! This happens next Thursday, and the following Monday I get to present again! This time for a district inservice.  That one was a bit of a surprise for me, but I have it all worked out!  Needless to say, I am pretty excited for the next couple of weeks!
Go make a difference!  And CHEER ON THE ROYALS!!!  #beroyalKC 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Give me your trash!

    Hello!  I wasn't sure I was going to have time to get this blog in today or not!  Finally at 2:10 on a Teacher Work day, I have finished inputting Fitness test scores and completed the dreaded entry of grades.  Weekend?  Anyone?  3:15 cannot get here soon enough!!!
   As I mentioned before we have been doing our Pre Fitness Gram tests.  No matter how you look at it, these test are just not that exciting.  Necessary?  Absolutely, after all they made the Shape National Standards! I am pretty excited to have the Pre test in the books!  Did you know there are awesome certificates that you can print from KSDE FitnessGram page?  Last year I attended a district inservice at which a trainer from KSDE showed us how this would work!  It even calculates who is in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ).  I am excited to give out these awards to my students, I may display them in the gym for awhile as well.  After all, effort should be praised!

     So the picture above looks like a bunch of trash, right?  Well it is, sort of!  I am getting ready to launch my Project Based Learning project in PE!  This summer I attended a two day training on Project Based Learning.  I truly believe it's a wonderful way for kids to learn!  It's hard to set back and let them "solve" the problem (so to speak) but I am excited.  To kick this off, or maybe I should say to lead us into this project, we are going to use an app called Fooducate.  This app allows the kids to scan a barcode on a food product, when it's scanned a letter grade will appear for the food.  In addition, there is an explanation as to why it received the grade it did, as well as alternatives to that particular food.  The majority of my project will just be for my 3rd-5th grade students, but all 405 of my kids will be using the Fooducate app and the "trash" in the picture.   It's amazing how social media can "help a girl out."  I sent an email to my fellow teachers asking for them to save their food packages and boxes.  I also put out a "need" on Facebook.  (I use Facebook too, not just twitter)! I have received a ton of "trash."  But, I'll take a TON more! Seriously, I am so excited to educate my students (and myself too) on what exactly is in these foods.  This is going to (hopefully) lead my students to the next phase (think processed foods vs. natural foods).  Look for a post next week about how the first part of this assignment went!  (Any local PE teachers, I will be happy to share my "stash of trash").
     Today we had two hours of PLC.  In our "exciting" meeting I noticed an awesome bulletin board in the classroom we met at.   I didn't take the best picture, but this awesome 4th grade teacher created a twitter account for her class.  They post their idea's/thoughts on a post-it-note and put it on the board.  Then the teacher sends out the tweet!  #verycool   You should go follow them, @MsMiller129.
     Have a great weekend everyone.  Cheer for your favorite team (Rock Chalk, as hard as it is)!  Go make a difference! And PLEASE make a TWITTER, and PLEASE USE IT to further educate yourself!  #physed #pegeek #edchat #dcelem #DCHSchat #usd443 #BeRoyalKC....oh wait, just got a little excited about the ROYALS!!   (there is a few for you to search, trust me, it's worth your time)!
AB :)


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Academic Vocab

      I wrote a little bit in my blog last time about academic vocabulary.  The vocab posters have been a hit in my gym.  I added to them, because my crazy mind could not except that they did not go the whole way across the wall.  Earlier this week our Technology and ELA instructional coaches were in our building helping teachers as needed.  They gave all of us a graphic organizer that is fantastic! 
      Immediately when they handed it to me, my brain went into high gear. Sure, I have a ton of stuff going on in PE already, but this is important, and this is certainly attainable!   First off, we are going to do a game of charades in PE.  The kids will work within their teams, timer will be set on air server, each student will get a minute to act out as many words as possible.  The majority of the words are require movement, which will get the heart rate up! I am already making a point to talk about the words and how we are using them each day.  I also thought about spending a few minutes at the end of class describing (or having the kids describe) a word, their "exit ticket" will be what vocab word we are talking about.  I may use the ipad for this, there is an app called (ironically) STICKY NOTE, that would work great!  So many different ways to work this in.  I'm excited!
*Excuse the mess above....I have been very busy doing other things besides cleaning....obviously!
    I'm also excited, because I AM GETTING A WIRELESS PROJECTOR IN MY GYM!!!!!! (all caps because I screaming with joy)!  After meeting with the Assistant Supt. (scary, right?  She is super nice and helpful though) I was told Apple TV is a no-no right now.  Apparently it causes too much static in the system.  But, she agreed I needed a better way to use technology, so the technology committee decided a wireless projector would be the way to go.  I cannot wait to get rid of this cart (but it's been good to me, so I shouldn't complain)!
      My 2nd edition of #LINNPE Newsletter has been distributed to my students.  This newsletter contained pictures of our exciting day with the DCHS Red Demon athletes.  I also talked about "PE Shoes."  That's  a never ending battle, but I am going to TRY,TRY, TRY!:)  Backpacks are going out, so far I have only had one piece of equipment not returned.  I will call that a success!
    Have a great weekend.  Get connected, get a TWITTER.  Follow me @baugha.  Join us for our #DCELEM chat on Monday, Oct. 13th at 7:30pm!!
AB :)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fitnessgram world....

        It's Friday!!!!!!  It always seems as though "short" weeks (we didn't have students on Monday, inservice instead) are the longest weeks!  I have been so very busy this week, every ounce of my extra time during the school day has been spent on Academic Vocabulary.  It's my own fault for spending the time I did.  But, I think it will be worth it in the long run!

A couple examples of the big picture of my academic Vocab words. 



I discovered today that I simple cannot handle that they do not go the entire length of the wall, so I am in the process of adding a few more to complete it .......for now! :)
     So, Academic Vocabulary....well on Monday I attended a district wide inservice on this particular subject.  I try REALLY hard to connect the information at inservices to my classroom, aka "THE GYM"!  Light bulbs were going off immediately for me.  Why not incorporate technology (specifically ipads) into these vocab words.  My goal is always to reach every child.  As we know, children learn in a variety of ways! 
     Hopefully you noticed the QR codes (Qrafter Pro App) in the picture.  These codes, when scanned, will link the students to a video/website about that particular word.    The Vocab posters that do not have a QR code, have an AURA instead.  Using AURASMA app, I embedded videos of the vocabulary word into the posters. 
In this picture, it just looks like a normal poster!
This is the same poster, but when scanned using AURASMA a video of Linn Lions students stretching pops up on the screen of your ipad.  It is WAY cool!
My students helped me make the posters, by being actors/actresses!  They loved it.  I cannot wait to have them use their ipads to review these words.  I feel like this is an awesome addition to my classroom, which leads me to...
     I was showing my principal what I was doing, mostly to see if I was on the right track.  I also whined a little bit about how time consuming it was.  He replied, "you have truly made your gym a classroom."  (He totally meant it as a compliment, and I took it that way). I started thinking about this compliment.  My gym IS A classroom.  I want my students to learn.  Sure, we are going to play and have fun, but WE MUST LEARN!  What motivation I gained from that compliment!
         This week we started preparing for our Pre Fitness Gram tests.  We are always preparing, because we are always working on fitness, strength, endurance, etc.  This week was a little more focused.  Push ups are always a struggle.  I get it, they are a struggle for me too! :)  I wanted something "fun" to do with push ups, something to make them seem less strenuous.  I did a little research, found what I was looking for, and tweaked it a little bit!
        In these pictures, the students are suppose to be working on keeping their backs in the proper position.  We discussed making our abdominals tight, fingers forward, etc.  I brought out the bean bags and challenged the students to slide it back and forth between a partner.  We started with playing music for about 30 seconds before giving them a break.  They loved it!  They forgot how hard they were working!  I then challenged them to keep track of points.  If their back was in the right position, knee's were off the floor, and their partner stopped the bean bag, they got a point!  Next up will be set up practices!  I have some idea's up my sleeve for that as well!
       Also this week, (remember it was a crazy busy week) I was able to reintroduce the app called Educreations.  I did this with a fourth grade classroom.  I had them video each other doing push ups.  After getting the video, they brought it in to the Educreations app and critiqued their push ups.  They had to record their voice and draw on the picture showing what was good and bad about their push ups.  I did this last year, and I truly believe it is a wonderful way to practice the push ups (or whatever activity you are doing)!

    Sorry for the incredibly long post!  I have been wanting to share all week, but finding the time was nearly impossible!  Heads up, on Monday, October 13th, I will be moderating a twitter chat under #DCELEM.  Topic is to be decided, but PLEASE join! 
Make a difference! 


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sometimes, it's a SCARY world!

   Everyone understands, and has expierenced that feeling of panic, you know...heart pumping a little faster, sweating coming without movement.  Well, I had that feeling yesterday.  About 20 minutes before the fact, I discovered that my gym was going to be on the "Walk through" schedule for this month.  What are walk throughs?  Well teams of adminstrators from our district walk through classrooms, look for objectives posted, engagement of the students, etc.  I had one class, then the second class of the afternoon would be the one they "walked through."   I honestly cannot tell you much about the first class, I was already rehearsing in my head how the class would go with 5-6 pairs of eyes on me.  One pair of those eyes was my principal (who knows all about me and supports me), another was the principal in charge of physical education teachers in our district, and he didn't worry me.  One of the other pairs of eyes was that of the Superintendent of Elementary education.  Those eyes worried me.  Holy Moly.  Apparently my students new to be on their best behavior, because they were AMAZING!  Zero issues.  It went fine, but man did I sweat it.....literally.

    We are wrapping up our volleyball and football unit.  Having either played, coached, or reffed volleyball for many years of my life, I started pondering drills that would be apropiate for my students.  I rememberd speedball.  This drill teaches the kids to move their feet, and to work as a team.  My students LOVED it.  Seriously, they were so into it.  Tons of effort was put out, which always makes for a happy teacher! 

     This isn't a great picture to show the action of speedball.  We are definitely adding this to the unit. 
Here are the steps to Speedball
1.  Students are put into two teams, one on each side of the net.  The number of students doesn't really matter, we did 6, mostly to keep it like volleyball.
2.  I used a volleylite ball, it's a little easier for the kids to throw and catch compared to the real deal.
3.  The goal is to throw the ball across the net to a place where there is not a person.
4.  If the ball hits the ground, the team who threw the ball gets a point.
5.  The ball is thrown back and fourth quickly.
6.  I used my ipad timer and we played two minute games before switching out the teams. 
7.  Establishing boundaries was important.  I also used the word boundary as a "vocab" word. 
8.  It's that simple.
       I have said before I love to bring the classroom idea's into the gym.  I was so excited when searching for a new bulletin board (on PE CENTRAL) to come across this gem!  Hello Common Core!  I quickly recreated it.  I wish my teacher was a little bigger, but you get the idea!  Several students have already commented on my "verb board."  It's a little hard to read in this picture, but the students (and the classroom mouse) are guessing verbs that are all related to movement.  Finally Smarty Sally says "PHYSICAL EDUCATIOM!"  Good job Smarty Sally, good job!
       I just (about an hour ago) submitted my handout for the 2014 KAHPERD convention.  I had so much fun designing this handout on the app COMIC LIFE.  I was able to put overlays (AURASMA) into the handout, which makes this #PEGEEK squeal a little!  It's awesome! 
NEW APP I LOVE:  fooducate, this app will allow the students to scan various foods and it will tell them a grade for the food, and why that grade is appropriate.  Cannot wait to put this into action!
Have a great day, make a difference, keep trying, keep dreaming!  Of course, CONNECT!  Find your #PLN! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Awesome Activity!

   The last couple of days have been exiting in my PE world.  Yesterday was the first family "open gym" night of the year.  I attended the Let's Move Active Kids workshop in the Summer of 2013.  At this workshop (it's awesome, if given the chance to go, take it) we were challenged to get our students active.  I decided then that I would begin an "open gym night" for my students and their families.  Once a month last year, I held this event.  Some nights we had amazing attendance, others there were not a ton of people.  Either way, my students and their families were being active together!  When this year begin, I decided to do the open gym nights again!  These are just 45 minutes long.
         I also was able to secure a $1000 grant through Blue Cross and Blue Shield that allowed me to purchase healthy snacks for this event.  I have applied for it this year and will know in December if I receive it again!  I keep the open gym pretty simple, I just get out various equipment and let them play.  It's GREAT!  Here is a quick picture I took, right before I took in a serious game of volleyball with my 4 and 10 year old boys!  We had fun, and we were active!
     Today the excitement continued.  Each year when doing out "Sport" units, I recruit the local high school athletes to come out and do a mini clinic with my older students (3rd-5th Grade).  The kids LOVE it.  All the kids!  This year I invited all of the Fall sport programs to send athletes.  In the past it has just been Football and Volleyball, but this year we were able to add Tennis.  Hopefully in the next few years I can succeed at getting Cross Country and Soccer to come out as well.  This is a wonderful time for my students to see what they can work towards.  When saying this, I do not necessary mean in an ability way.  I have said many times, I just want my students to be active and healthy.  If they can find a sport that they love, and that is what is going to keep them active and healthy, than I accomplished something! :)  I also want my students to see what it takes to get to this level and be able to compete. 
     Today was simply awesome.  The kids were so excited to interact with the high school students.  I had a special needs student, who doesn't always love PE come to be and say "I am having so much fun Mrs. Baugh."  YEAH!!!!!

Stay with me, this is a long post.  I am just overflowing with excitement!  I finally figured out the ipad app called Aurasma (pronounced without the A...yep, kind of weird). 
So in this picture, my handout for my upcoming KAHPERD presentation is on my desk.  On that flier is the word (app) QRAFTER.  Using the Aurasma app, I scan that word and a video of my students using QRAFTER appears.  It's amazing!  My mind is going 100mph on how I can use this in PE.  Seriously.  Cannot Wait.  Can you say #PEGEEK?!?!? 
Have a fantastic weekend!  Cheer for your favorite team!  Make a difference!