The weekend before beginning my unit, I decided to hop on the internet and search for some additional lead up activities for my hockey unit. I seriously spent less than an hour researching and came up with TONS of new ideas! I was quite excited. So, excited that I created a "note" on my phone just for Hockey!
Our unit kicked off by focusing on safety. Definitily a requirement for hockey! We discussed proper hand placement, keeping the blade down, etc. Then I put out a lot of different sized cones, and challenged the students to move their sticks safely around the cones. Eventually we added yarn balls (no plastic pucks for a long time). I increased the challenge for my older students (Thank you PE Central) by giving all of them 5 points to start. If any part of their body or stick touched a cone, or a person, they took a point away. After a few minutes, I quizzed on how many points everyone had. It was a great lesson!
After a couple of days of activities centered around the safety concept, we did a little class quiz to start the day. I found a worksheet on PE central that was about how to hold the hockey stick. I saved the link and opened it on my ipad using the EDUCREATIONS app. This allowed me to draw on the worksheet. So, I put it up on the projector (using air server to make my ipad "talk" to my laptop). Suddenly, I had engaged students who couldn't wait to tell me which person was gripping their hockey stick correctly. I did this for ALL grades! We spent less than five minutes on this, before moving on to shooting goals!
I wanted the kids to be moving. I set up several buckets around the gym. I should say, I laid several buckets on their sides against the wall. I instantly had 20+ goals around the gym. The music played....they dribbled. Music shut off, then shot goals! What I quickly discovered, is we didn't talk about accuracy.....the important it get the back! Brakes on, time to back track!
So I got out my cup stacking cups....don't harm was done to them! I put them out all over the floor. Simple lesson, accuracy. The students were instructed to aim for a cup and attempt to move it with their "puck" (ball). I also encouraged my students to "chat" with their shoulder buddies about what is more important in accuracy, speed or aim? (I will do another blog post about getting your kids talking.....scary sounding, I know).
After several days, I created a SOCRATIVE quiz for all grades. K-1st grade did not bring theiripads to take the quiz, instead I read the questions (projected on the wall, using airserver) and we voted as a class for the correct answer. 2nd-5th grade took the quiz on their own. It was a short quiz, the final question was open-ended. What does the work teamwork mean in hockey? I was impressed by their answers. Additionally, TEAMWORK is one of our key Vocabulary words!
At this point we were ready to combine some elements for a lesson. Insert Hockey "Mad ball." All the yarn balls scattered in the middle of the gym. Two teams. Music starts, you are trying to get as many pucks (yarn balls) into the goal before the music shuts off. Again, K-1st did this, but I left out "as many goals as you can," instead I inserted "shoot goals." Works. Today we did the same thing, just added the role of a "goalie." Awesomeness. Kids leave the gym dripping sweat. More importantly, they may have found something to keep them active and healthy. Check! :)One Wed. a month (maybe more, I'm not exactly sure), we have late starts. Which means I only get the kids for 20 minutes instead of 25. Which really means I only get them for 15 minutes once we get in/out and settled. So, perfect day for a ipad assignment. I found a student friendly ice hockey highlight video on YouTube. I made it in to a QR code, because there is no better way to get info. on the students ipads quickly than by using QRAFTER! I also made a GOOGLE DOC with simple instructions, (made this into a QR code as well) watch the video, get with your team, and use whatever app you want to tell me (typing, speaking, acting) two things you saw in the video that looked familier to what we are doing in hockey! I was impressed by the variety of apps that students used to CREATE!!! YEAH!!! When using the ipads, creating is one of the BEST things you can have your students do! Allow them to be CREATIVE!!!
I also had a student use ADOBE VOICE! Awesome, still pretty new to me, new enough that I was not able to figure out how to get a link of his video! I'll learn though and share soon!
AB :)
April, I am planning on hockey in jan-February, I would love to have your lesson plans including the iPad activities if possible?
I apologize for just now seeing this! I will put together my plans and get them to you....I'm guessing you may already be done! So sorry, I certainly was not ignoring you!