Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome to my new (PE) world!

    Hello!  As you may have already read, I am a elementary physical education teacher in SW Kansas.  My school population is around 400-410 students grades K-5.  I am the luckiest teacher in building (along with the music teacher) because I see each and every one of our smiling (usually) students each and every day!

    I decided it's a new school year, why not do something else new in my life and start a blog.   "New" is a theme for me, did I mention we JUST moved approximately 48 hours ago...okay I am exaggerating, it was almost two weeks ago, but you understand the "new" theme.

   I LOVE my job!  LOVE it.  God knew exactly what he was doing 7 years ago when he paved the road to a career change for me.  My first degree/career was in Sports/Recreation Management.  I didn't go the traditional quit your job and go back to school route.  Instead, I entered a alternative education program (FHSU Transition to Teaching...amazing program) so there was no practicum or student teaching, I went strait to the gym and started teaching!  I still remember my first week as a  PE teacher.  OVERWHELMED!!!  Looking back though, I wouldn't change a thing!

   Fast forward to today, it's the day before WE START SCHOOL!  I am seriously as excited as the kids, I know it!  I am lucky enough to teach in a 1:1 ipad school.  In addition, I am lucky enough to have been the PE teacher from our district to attend Apple Vanguard training a couple of years ago. You may call me a #pegeek.  I am, and I love it!  Not just the ipad part, I love ALL of PE!  I am very passionate about physical education and the benefit it has on our students. 

   What can you expect from this blog?  Providing live doesn't throw any MAJOR curve balls my way, I hope to keep this going on a very regular basis.  I want to share my ideas (and hopefully GET idea's from others).  Most definitely you should expect a whole lotta (not a word, I know) techy PE stuff.  I am preparing to do a presentation at our #KAHPERD convention in October, on you guessed it...ipads in PE!   (more about the hashtags later).

    So what are my plans for day one?  We are starting with "Walking and Talking (borrowed idea from a fellow PE teacher on Twitter...we'll come back to twitter soon, I promise).  This will allow the kids to walk around the gym and talk!  It's that simple.  Then we will find our home bases, talk about the rules, and of course the procedures (and practice all of the above).  Then we will end our 25 minutes class with a quick instant activity to make sure our heart rates are up!

    Quick tidbit on twitter.  If you are not on twitter and you are a PE teacher, YOU ARE MISSING OUT!  Seriously, stop what you are doing and set up a twitter account now!  You will be amazed with the networking, collaborating, and sharing you will find.  There are so many #PHYSED teachers on twitter.  It's a must for all educators (but of course, my favorite are PE teachers)!

Okay, so you are suppose to have some pictures on a blog, right?  Here are some I found to share!
My ipad screen.  You see me (the only female) along with my two amazing boys, and my equally amazing husband (who really doesn't have a purple app face).

Our last day of school field day.  Love the action in this shot.  Loved that his was the day school ended last year.  Loved my summer.  Love that a new year is upon us. 

A couple shots of my gym!  I'm so ready to make a difference.  Let's get the bodies moving, the brains working, and the fun started!

Go make a difference, go move, go live, go learn.....go set up a twitter account!


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