Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Get Active...not just at school!

    I am big on getting my kids (both biological and school) active.  I strongly feel that active kids=active adults (someday).  Am I trying to create D1 athletes?  Nope not at all.  I am trying to help create active healthy kids who will become active healthy adults.  Many of my students are active while at school, then they go home to video games, TV, and no parents (because they are working shift work). 
   While attending the 2014 SHAPE American Conference (AAPHERD), my friend Mary (also a PE teacher)  and I met a man also from Kansas.  While talking to, (I am sure Mary is laughing right now) he shared that he sends backpack with equipment home with students!  What a great idea!  I immediately knew I wanted to do this. 

    I quickly realized that if I wanted to get an Apple TV and a Flat screen, my funds were minimal! No problem, after some searching for the cheapest backpacks possible, I find some....for FREE!  Even better!   While chatting with my principle, I notice a box full of dusty backpacks.  I immediately ask what they are for, come to find out they were found in a classroom, and had been used for sending books/tapes home with students years ago.  Perfect.  I did a quick walk through of my equipment closet, and thought of what the students and their families could do at home, safely of course.  I also knew I wanted to keep it simple, with the hope that maybe they would be able to get this kind of equipment on their own eventually!
      I included some information on what to do with the equipment, some statistics on staying active  as a family, and a inventory list.  On the front of the bag, there is a place for a little identification card.  I created a little card that I will fill in the blanks for each kid.  It will say who is "borrowing"  the equipment, and what day it needs to be returned to Linn.  I also include information on this in my monthly newsletter.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous that equipment wouldn't be returned, but decided the benefits would out weigh the risks.  If this works the way I think it will, I hope to expand on this, and possibly purchase equipment for it in the future.  I hope to create excitement with the kiddos about this, and then hopefully they carry that excitement home (literally) and share it with their family.  I am waiting for my info to be translated to Spanish, then they will be distributed to two kids from each grade level, for 2-3 days of use!
        There is a lot of excitement in Linn Elementary PE.  Tomorrow is the first "open gym night" this school year.  I am going to write a blog all about this later in the week.  I am also excited to share visitors that will be coming to Linn PE on Friday! 
Make a difference!  Get connected.  Follow our #DCelem chat on twitter.  Follow me on twitter too....@baugha.  Search #physed #pegeek, you'll be amazed at what you find!
Techy note: I finally figured out (with some help from our ipad/tech guru Jayne) the augmented reality app I talked about earlier.  Aurasma!  It's awesome, I cannot wait to share soon!

Bye for now!

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