Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of School and all the crazy that comes with it!

Okay, so truthfully I still have two classes left in my first day of school, but I had a small break and decided to blog a little!  First day: Awesome so far!  Kids have been enthusiastic, it's been great! 

Things I have learned (or been reminded of today):
1.  It's okay to over plan...yesterday I talked about an instant activity at the end of the class, well that has happened twice?  Maybe?  Otherwise there hasn't been enough minutes on a clock.
2.  Little kids are scared the first day!
3.  Time out on the first day? (Haven't had to yet, but man it's been close).
4.  Kindergartners do not know how to tie their shoes.
5.  Third graders like to stop and untie their shoes and retie them to waste time from moving. Boo.
6. I love my job.

I have been reminded today of why this sign jumped off of my pinterest search (and into my gym) this summer!

One of the classes who got to enjoy the instant activity!  If you do not have a supply of plastic bags, you are missing out on a super simple but effective piece of equipment!
Go make a difference, and go make a Twitter!
#physed #youwillnotregretit

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