Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Basketball world and so much more!

       Ahhhhh.....did you hear that?  That was a sigh of relief, I just got observed.  I actually didn't even realize it was my year!  Thank goodness we are just beginning one of my very favorite units, basketball.  I was far from a basketball player (I was a cheerleader during that season) but I still know enough to make me dangerous!  Roooccckkkkk Chhhhalllllkkk.....sorry, I got off track! :)
   Today was day one of the basketball unit.  I break this unit down over about a months time.  There is just so much to be taught/learned!   This week we are focusing on dribbling the basketball.  Today's specific focus was how we use our hand to dribble.  I of course wanted to incorporate a little bit of technology (just another way to get my point across).  I also wanted to make sure we were doing ALOT of dribbling! I have mentioned before how during a pervious observation by our district administration team, I was told how important it was to have the kids talking.  I know, I know, it almost seems like counter productive.  It's not. 
   I started the unit by talking about all the different aspects we would be covering in basketball.  Then we focused in on today's task, using our hand correctly to dribble the ball.  I found a picture on google docs of a cartoon-ish man dribbling the basketball.  I opened it up in Google Drive, which then allowed me to open it up in Notability on my ipad.  This allowed me to draw on my image, and help the students to better understand what they needed to do!  After this quick little lesson, (I left it up on the wall, using airserver and my projector) we moved on to putting our knowledge into action!
Each student got a ball, and their instructions were to dribble the ball with whichever hand they wanted to.  (After we talked about how the ball looks when we need to be "quiet," between our feet on the floor).   I played music, they dribbled, I walked around and observed.  After stopping the music I reminded them that they shouldn't be making noise with their hand on the ball (slapping).  Then we did it all again.  After a few minutes, I told them to "chat" with a neighbor about what they think it takes to be an all star at dribbling.  After about a minute, I quickly asked for some answers.  The the kids dribbled some more, thinking about "what it takes."   I am always amazed, that with the right management skills, I can get the students to refocus after our "chats."  My next instructions were to use their other hand to dribble.  After a few minutes, I asked them which hand was easier?  Then I had them chat with their neighbor about why the hand was easier. (Remember, our chats are never more than one minute, usually about 30 seconds).  Of course, most of them said the first hand they used was easier, because that's the hand they right their name with.  YEAH!  This lead me to tell them the importance of learning to dribble effectively with both hands! Next, I had them evaluate each other.  Watch your partner dribble for 30 seconds, when the music shuts off, tell your partner one thing they rocked at, and one thing they need to work on to be like Billy (he was the guy on the airserver that we critiqued).  After both partners had their chance, we then put into action what our partner said!  IT WENT GREAT!!!! 

Here is a picture of the fun!

One of my weaknesses is accessing my students.  It's haaaarrrrdddddd!  I discovered an awesome way to assess...guess where I discovered it.....TWITTER!!!!  I immediately knew, I was going to make it my own!  We discussed it today, and I had the kids tell me where they thought they measured! 

I need to share more with you about our VIP's at our staff hockey game, but I gotta go!  Back to doing my dream job, yep this is pretty darn close to my dream job....more about that later!

G.E.T. C.O.N.N.E.C.T.E.D.


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