Monday, February 23, 2015

Oh, the places you'll go in my world!

Oh so much to talk about! 
              Last week I attended the 2015 KAHPHERD Winter Workshop in Olathe.  A lady by the name of Jo Bailey (@LovePhyEd) was the keynote speaker.  She is a Google certified teacher, and did quite well explaining Google EVERYTHING!  That lady knows her stuff.  In addition to learning new stuff, one of the highlights of the workshop was meeting people!  I finally got to meet face to face with Jo and another awesome KS PE Teacher named Mike Bohannon (@mikebohannon4).  Both of these were people I had connected with on Twitter.  Mike is the Author of a book called "No, we do not play dodge ball in PE.  His tweets had caught my eye several times, so I asked him to bring a book for me to purchase.  Good stuff for sure!  Also, I got to meet Vicki Worrell (@KAHPERD) who is the Executive Director for KAHPHERD and also a professor at Emporia State University.  She and I are collaborating to have me Skype into her ESU Phys Ed. classes to talk about my usage of technology in PE!  When I arrived at the workshop, I quickly found a seat and begin looking at the people to see who I recognized.  Quickly I realized I was setting among several Shawnee Mission School District PE teachers.  In March, I am going to present "imove, icreate, ilearn in PE" to all of the PE teachers in this district.  It was exciting to meet a few of them and share a few things with them. 
   Also last week, I received an email telling me I had been selected to receive a Container Garden grant through KSDE.  So, my 4th graders are going to grow a garden this spring.  I'm pretty excited to connect this to our PBL project (SUGAR.....IT's EVERYWHERE)! We are going to grow and eat our own produce!  Exciting stuff!
   Last week on my way home from the workshop, (my awesome hubby was driving) I participated in a #1to1ipadchat, that was being moderated by our districts awesome Tech Coach- @ksujayne (don't worry, I don't hold the KSU part against her).  While chatting along, I came across tweets about google maps.  Light bulb's went off in my head.  Fast forward to last Friday/Today and we are on a journey at Linn!  Our awesome secretary created this array of flags and a globe in front of our office.  We are celebrating cultures/heritage across our district. 

     Starting today, my kids are going to visit (virtually of course) each country that we represent at Linn.  We are going to "walk" to each country.  This will be done during our warm up time and if the students choose, at recess.  When we "arrive" at our destination, we will participate in a game that is native to that country.  In addition, we will track our progress using Google maps, my ipad, the air server, and the NEW projector that was mounted in my gym.  The students can add miles at recess and drop them in a class I created using the SHOWBIE app.  The kids were pretty excited today, as I introduced the concept.  We are going on a journey, and it's going to be an good one!
All those twitter accounts I mentioned in this blog, yeah, you should make sure you are following them! 
Have a great week!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your posts. Sure miss working with you. You are an awesome teacher & each one of your students are blessed to have you:)
