Friday, March 6, 2015

Speed and Agility!

     Last time I wrote (it's been awhile) about visiting the countries that are students are from.  Well, we reached our first destination yesterday!  Mexico! The kids were so excited.  Even staff members were excited.  I used Google earth on my ipad to show the kids (with the projector) how far we had traveled.  They were amazed.  On Monday, we are going to play an traditional Mexican physical education game, and hopefully sometime soon we are going to SKYPE with a physical education class in Mexico! Exciting stuff.

     This week we worked on Speed and Agility.  We have fitness tests coming up after spring break, and I thought this would be a great lead in.  With the help of @CapnPetesPE,  (he is a good follow on TWITTER, and has awesome resources in Teachers Pay Teachers) the kids learned a TON.  Of course they moved a TON as well.  We started the mini-unit by having talking about the definitions of speed and agility.  We also talked about how they apply to our health and well being.  Then the kids tried out two of Capn-Petes awesome drills.  Both drills involved speed and agility.  The kids were moving and had a blast.  These drills were fantastic. 

        I did the drills with all grades.  I was a little concerned that it would be a little difficult for my Kinder's, but they did awesome!  I decided on the second day, we would have the students time the drills.  I used ipads (stopwatches  would work too).   I asked the teachers (2nd-5th) to send four ipads down with their class.  We divided the kids into "teams."  I instructed them to time everybody on their team one time, then the next person in line would time everyone.  By the end of class, there were 4 or 5 times recorded for each student.  There were two separate drills, so we did this over two days of PE. With the help of my co-teacher, I came up with an additional assignment to further their thinking of speed and agility.  The next day, I asked all students to bring their ipads.  I came up with three questions, that required the students to "reflect" on the drills.  Example: Which was your favorite drill? Why?  I created the assignment in Google drive, then sent it to SHOWBIE to assignment folder I had created.  Instead of received 200 emails from students, it put their answers in a folder on SHOWBIE!  After this lesson, I felt like my students may have learned more than they had in any other unit.  But we are not done!  We are going to do two more days of speed/agility activity, then take a short quiz using SOCRATIVE. 
           Below is a picture of my new projector!  I am so excited to not have to push a cart out to the middle of the court, and beg the students to go around the 10 yards of extension cord I have out.  This eliminates all of that.  In addition, the quality of the picture is so good, I can even leave all of my lights on! 
   Get connected.  It changed me as a teacher.  Sounds crazy, but I promise IT'S THE TRUTH!



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