Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My PE world?

     Fresh off of spring break, I dove head first into a new world!  This past Monday, I did my first paid in-service for another school district.  I have presented ipads in PE to my fellow PE teachers, as well as through KAHPERD. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.  I say a "little", not to be cocky, but I just love the stuff I get to share.  I also happen to love to share! :)  It was awesome.  I loved it.  As part of my intro., I talked about how I got to this point in my career.  I'm guessing that a majority of the people who read my blog already know this, so if you do, skip the next paragraph!
   Rewind my book of life about 7 1/2 years and you would find me in the career I initially went to college for.  I was serving as the Sports Director for my local parks and recreation department.  I had just entered my 5th year in this job.  It was a job I loved.  After all, I got my degree in Recreation management.  I was an intern for the sports director before me, and viewed the job as my dream job.  I was decent at what I did, but man did I work a lot.  ALOT!  In addition to working a lot, I was stressed.  ALOT! My oldest son was 4 1/2 years old.  My husband and I wanted a sibling for him.  We wanted one badly.  In the three years leading up to this point, we experienced two miscarriages, my father was diagnosed with cancer and died four months later, and my hometown (where my mom, brother and family all lived) was wiped off the map as a result of a F5 tornado.  Stressed, oh you cannot imagine.  While setting at my desk one day, I got a phone call.  On the other end of the line was an administrator asking if I had ever considered teaching PE.  Fast forward a few weeks, and BAM, I was getting ready for the first day of school, as a PE teacher.  As a child, my father told me multiple times, that I should be a teacher.  I ignored him for 27 years.
   I happen to be blessed with an great co-teacher who got me through the first year or two.  She moved on, but I was able to build my foundation from the lessons I learned, right along with the students. 
    Monday, March 23rd, 2015 was my first (I hoping there is more) "job" as a Physical Education consultant.  I guess that's what you call it?  That sounds a little "professional."  I spent my morning with middle/high school PE teachers, and my afternoon with Elementary PE teachers.  This was a very large school district....30 elementary schools?!  Wow! Their PE coordinator had came to my ipad in PE presentation at KAHPERD in October, and asked if I would come do an in-service for them.  As I drove home (I road home, my awesome husband drove me home) I reflected on the day.  I realized not only do I LOVE teaching kids to be healthy (I do LOVE those little's), I also love to share with adults.  Am I the best?  Absolutly not.  There are MANY amazing Physical Education teachers in the world (Have you looked on Twitter....holy moly, they are the BEST)! I am surrounded by several AMAZING physical education teachers right here in my district!   I feel like a pretty lucky
girl.  Doors are opening, that I didn't even know existed. 

Lesson from this blog?  Listen to your parents.  My dad knew exactly what I should do "when I grew up." 

Get connected.  There are so many #physed T's out there who are more than willing to network, share, and help. 

If you want to check out some of these awesome PE teachers (+ me) stuff, check out this link

Have a great week!

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