Friday, October 17, 2014

Give me your trash!

    Hello!  I wasn't sure I was going to have time to get this blog in today or not!  Finally at 2:10 on a Teacher Work day, I have finished inputting Fitness test scores and completed the dreaded entry of grades.  Weekend?  Anyone?  3:15 cannot get here soon enough!!!
   As I mentioned before we have been doing our Pre Fitness Gram tests.  No matter how you look at it, these test are just not that exciting.  Necessary?  Absolutely, after all they made the Shape National Standards! I am pretty excited to have the Pre test in the books!  Did you know there are awesome certificates that you can print from KSDE FitnessGram page?  Last year I attended a district inservice at which a trainer from KSDE showed us how this would work!  It even calculates who is in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ).  I am excited to give out these awards to my students, I may display them in the gym for awhile as well.  After all, effort should be praised!

     So the picture above looks like a bunch of trash, right?  Well it is, sort of!  I am getting ready to launch my Project Based Learning project in PE!  This summer I attended a two day training on Project Based Learning.  I truly believe it's a wonderful way for kids to learn!  It's hard to set back and let them "solve" the problem (so to speak) but I am excited.  To kick this off, or maybe I should say to lead us into this project, we are going to use an app called Fooducate.  This app allows the kids to scan a barcode on a food product, when it's scanned a letter grade will appear for the food.  In addition, there is an explanation as to why it received the grade it did, as well as alternatives to that particular food.  The majority of my project will just be for my 3rd-5th grade students, but all 405 of my kids will be using the Fooducate app and the "trash" in the picture.   It's amazing how social media can "help a girl out."  I sent an email to my fellow teachers asking for them to save their food packages and boxes.  I also put out a "need" on Facebook.  (I use Facebook too, not just twitter)! I have received a ton of "trash."  But, I'll take a TON more! Seriously, I am so excited to educate my students (and myself too) on what exactly is in these foods.  This is going to (hopefully) lead my students to the next phase (think processed foods vs. natural foods).  Look for a post next week about how the first part of this assignment went!  (Any local PE teachers, I will be happy to share my "stash of trash").
     Today we had two hours of PLC.  In our "exciting" meeting I noticed an awesome bulletin board in the classroom we met at.   I didn't take the best picture, but this awesome 4th grade teacher created a twitter account for her class.  They post their idea's/thoughts on a post-it-note and put it on the board.  Then the teacher sends out the tweet!  #verycool   You should go follow them, @MsMiller129.
     Have a great weekend everyone.  Cheer for your favorite team (Rock Chalk, as hard as it is)!  Go make a difference! And PLEASE make a TWITTER, and PLEASE USE IT to further educate yourself!  #physed #pegeek #edchat #dcelem #DCHSchat #usd443 #BeRoyalKC....oh wait, just got a little excited about the ROYALS!!   (there is a few for you to search, trust me, it's worth your time)!
AB :)


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