Friday, October 3, 2014

Fitnessgram world....

        It's Friday!!!!!!  It always seems as though "short" weeks (we didn't have students on Monday, inservice instead) are the longest weeks!  I have been so very busy this week, every ounce of my extra time during the school day has been spent on Academic Vocabulary.  It's my own fault for spending the time I did.  But, I think it will be worth it in the long run!

A couple examples of the big picture of my academic Vocab words. 



I discovered today that I simple cannot handle that they do not go the entire length of the wall, so I am in the process of adding a few more to complete it .......for now! :)
     So, Academic Vocabulary....well on Monday I attended a district wide inservice on this particular subject.  I try REALLY hard to connect the information at inservices to my classroom, aka "THE GYM"!  Light bulbs were going off immediately for me.  Why not incorporate technology (specifically ipads) into these vocab words.  My goal is always to reach every child.  As we know, children learn in a variety of ways! 
     Hopefully you noticed the QR codes (Qrafter Pro App) in the picture.  These codes, when scanned, will link the students to a video/website about that particular word.    The Vocab posters that do not have a QR code, have an AURA instead.  Using AURASMA app, I embedded videos of the vocabulary word into the posters. 
In this picture, it just looks like a normal poster!
This is the same poster, but when scanned using AURASMA a video of Linn Lions students stretching pops up on the screen of your ipad.  It is WAY cool!
My students helped me make the posters, by being actors/actresses!  They loved it.  I cannot wait to have them use their ipads to review these words.  I feel like this is an awesome addition to my classroom, which leads me to...
     I was showing my principal what I was doing, mostly to see if I was on the right track.  I also whined a little bit about how time consuming it was.  He replied, "you have truly made your gym a classroom."  (He totally meant it as a compliment, and I took it that way). I started thinking about this compliment.  My gym IS A classroom.  I want my students to learn.  Sure, we are going to play and have fun, but WE MUST LEARN!  What motivation I gained from that compliment!
         This week we started preparing for our Pre Fitness Gram tests.  We are always preparing, because we are always working on fitness, strength, endurance, etc.  This week was a little more focused.  Push ups are always a struggle.  I get it, they are a struggle for me too! :)  I wanted something "fun" to do with push ups, something to make them seem less strenuous.  I did a little research, found what I was looking for, and tweaked it a little bit!
        In these pictures, the students are suppose to be working on keeping their backs in the proper position.  We discussed making our abdominals tight, fingers forward, etc.  I brought out the bean bags and challenged the students to slide it back and forth between a partner.  We started with playing music for about 30 seconds before giving them a break.  They loved it!  They forgot how hard they were working!  I then challenged them to keep track of points.  If their back was in the right position, knee's were off the floor, and their partner stopped the bean bag, they got a point!  Next up will be set up practices!  I have some idea's up my sleeve for that as well!
       Also this week, (remember it was a crazy busy week) I was able to reintroduce the app called Educreations.  I did this with a fourth grade classroom.  I had them video each other doing push ups.  After getting the video, they brought it in to the Educreations app and critiqued their push ups.  They had to record their voice and draw on the picture showing what was good and bad about their push ups.  I did this last year, and I truly believe it is a wonderful way to practice the push ups (or whatever activity you are doing)!

    Sorry for the incredibly long post!  I have been wanting to share all week, but finding the time was nearly impossible!  Heads up, on Monday, October 13th, I will be moderating a twitter chat under #DCELEM.  Topic is to be decided, but PLEASE join! 
Make a difference! 


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